Skincare Interview with Megan Holt

Skincare Interview with Megan Holt

Non-Toxic Skincare with Kailey Carpenter

There are only a few days left before I embark on my new adventure in Colorado. In these remaining days, I created a list of people that I can’t leave without seeing. On this list is Kailey Carpenter, a new found friend and the CEO of KBC Wellness. I was lucky enough to be introduced to Kailey through mutual friends and we have bonded over our passion for living a healthy lifestyle. I love Kailey’s holistic approach, which is reflected in her skincare products. Today, I want to introduce you to Kailey and her brand of non-toxic, all-natural beauty.

Instagram: @kbcwellnessco

Location: Dana Point, CA

Your skin type: Normal

Favorite skincare tip: Less is more!

Quote that you live by: “Find the beauty in simplicity.”

The skincare product you can’t live without: Rosy Glow facial serum

Favorite health & wellness or beauty account you follow: @madisonviningblog


Q: Why did you start KBC Wellness?

A: I became interested in health and wellness several years back when my boyfriend and I first started dating. At his house, his dad was making all-natural, PH balancing soaps. My boyfriend’s sister had suffered with the skin infection MRSA as a baby so using the conventional soaps would break her out into a rash. He continued making soaps for years to come, and I began to learn more about the importance of non-toxic products and how different ingredients affect our skin. Meanwhile, I was dealing with candida, bladder issues and skin problems of my own so it inspired me to craft my own products for my needs. My friends and family liked what I was making it sparked the launch of my brand.

Q: How has your relationship with your skin changed since the start of your skincare journey?  

A: I’ve learned the more minimal the ingredients, the better. I used to think having all these different ingredients and chemicals would help to clear my acne, but then I started to learn that a lot of the problems stem from within. Using topical products with added chemicals only makes the inner issues worse. So, limiting the amount of chemicals in products I use has been huge. Also, a lot of people dealing with acne think they need to use drying products to clear their skin. However, this can actually make the problem worse because it forces the skin to overproduce oil. I’ve learned so much about different oils and how they can work with your skin instead of thinking they’ll clog your pores and make you break out.

Q: What was the very first product you launched?

A: The very first product I launched years ago, before I was really serious about any of this, was actually a chapstick! Following that was the Rosy Glow facial serum.

Q: What is your skincare routine?


A : I’m very minimal. I wash my face with hot water in the morning, and if I’m breaking out I’ll use my Vitamin Sea exfoliant + clay mask as a scrub. Then, I end with applying my Rosy Glow facial serum.

Q: What ingredient(s) have you found most transformative for your skin?

A: Chia seed oil, frankincense essential oil, and vitamin E oil. The chia seed oil is deeply hydrating and absorbs easily into your skin. It’s super lightweight, so it doesn’t feel thick and greasy, and leaves my skin super soft! Growing up, I would opt for the thick lotions and creams to help my dry skin from being in the pool playing sports, but I realized those products were breaking me out. I started learning about different oils and serums and the majority of what I would try would leave my skin feeling greasy and sit on the surface of my skin and not get absorbed. The chia seed oil was a complete game changer for me. The frankincense is great for anti-aging and tackling fine lines and wrinkles while the vitamin E oil I love for scarring.

Q: What should we look to avoid when shopping for skincare products?

A: If you can’t pronounce it, you don’t need it. Steer clear if you don’t recognize the word.

Q: How do you adjust your skincare for the cold, dry winter months?

A: This upcoming fall will be my first seasonal launch, and so far I’ve adjusted ingredients for more moisture and more immune boosting properties. This helps support the body in the drier, more immune suppressing months.

Q: What’s your favorite form of self care?

A: I would say walking on the beach, yoga, a bath and cooking.

Q: What is the next product you want to introduce into the line?

A: Aside from the limited edition fall collection, the next product I want to launch is an overnight resurfacing mask! I also want to create a line of mama and baby products that include all things nourishing for the growing baby bump, sore/chapped nips and sensitive new baby skin.

 Q: What does the future hold for KBC Wellness?

A: I feel a lot of people starting companies, especially skincare, have huge dreams to be in the big stores such as Whole Foods, Target, etc. Ultimately, I don’t agree with the large corporations so I don’t think I want to be a part of that. Instead, I’d like to grow my own website or get into small mom-and-pop shops to support their businesses as well.

Q: What advice would you give to others who are wanting to start a business?

A: If you have a passion, you need to follow it. You’re never going to know what you’re doing, but you need to just take that next step forward. I think each time you make a little progress that results in a little motivation to keep you going. You learn as you go and it will come together.

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